2. May 29th - My half brother, Aaron Jacob, came to Utah from Japan (where he's stationed with the Marines) and I was able to see him for the first time in many years. We had a good time catching up and Aaron was able to meet Jason and Seth, which was fun. Our schedules only lined up for dinner and going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ras, so our time was short, but I'm really glad we did it. It's nice to see that he's the same guy, way relaxed and fun to talk to.
3. June 2nd - Seth cut his first tooth! Lower left front...
4. June 8th - Seth cut his second tooth! lower right front...
5. June 13th - We toured the Oquirrh Mt. Temple with my fam. Way pretty and calming. It's skinny and tall, which is different than any other temple I've been in.
6. June 27th - We had a family bbq with my mom's side of the family. It was at my Uncle Jim's house and was way funner than I first anticipated. We had a really good time catching up with everyone.
7. June 28th - I sold my first baby carrier covers! I LOVED mine for Seth and now sell them on casecrafts.com which I will blog about one day...
8. June 28th to July 5th - My sis comes to stay with us just for fun, and it was! We took her to an orthodontist appointment and did 4th of July with her and my fam. (More on the 4th to come also...)
9. July 7th - I had a piano recital. Odd... I haven't had a recital for YEARS! I think I did pretty well. I played Minuet by Bach and The Clown by Kabelovsky and For Good from the Wicked Musical, which Jason sung with. He also did an amazing job. My ma and sis came to watch. Ma took pics, which I haven't gotten yet, but will post when I have them in my possession.
10. Seth turned 9 months! He's growing so so so fast. Dr's Measurments: Length is almost 29 inches which is 60% on the chart. Weight is almost 20 pounds which is 36% on the chart. Head Circumference is almost 48 centimeters which is 96% on the chart. Yep, he's got a Case head. :)

11. Pioneer day my sis was up with us again. My mom was going to Indiana because my bro and sis-in-law just had their second baby girl, and my dad works during the day, so we took in my 13 yr old sis for a week which included the 24th of July! We didn't do much, but we did go see some AMAZING fireworks in Mapleton. Really, they're better than you would expect from little Mapleton. Check them out next year! It's totally free, you just run around in a park before hand and listen to some local fiddle bands. It's pretty fun. It rained on us like crazy, but when it stopped we went back and got a good fireworks show. My sis was up for a week after that also, but that's another post...
Except for big things we would post separately about, that's it! We will get the actual exciting stories up soon hopefully. There really are some good stories to be told, but I will leave you in suspense for now.
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